Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Bioengineering Group
CSIC is the largest public multidisciplinary research organisation in Spain. The Bioengineering Group has long term expertise in managing human-machine interaction, HMI (a basic element in MNP and NR devices for restoring physical impairment). In cognitive HMI, CSIC has particular expertise in algorithms for processing bioelectrical activity (EEG, EMG) and biomechanical information (IMUs). In the area of physical HMI, CSIC has developed several functional compensation systems (tremor, gait support, assistance to CP kids) based on robot-human interaction.
Prof. José Luis PonsDr. Diego Torricelli
Mrs. Pilar Raya
Bioengineering group
Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo
Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department
It is the largest hospital in Spain related to evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for spinal cord injury. From 1974, more than 11.000 patients have been treated and studied in this hospital. The Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department was created in 2004. The Department has gathered a vast knowledge-base on all aspects biomechanics in relation to gait analysis in spinal cord injury patients with incomplete injuries. The Department has a great expertise in evaluating technical aids such as specific cushions to avoid pressure ulcers using biomechanical tool, wheelchairs and active orthoses. Another topic of interest is virtual reality for upper limb motor rehabilitation.
Dr. Ángel GilDr. Julian Taylor
Biomechanics and Technical Aids Department
National Hospital for Spinal Cord Injury
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
LAMBECOM Laboratory (Laboratorio de Análisis del Movimiento, Biomecánica, ErgonomÍa, Control Motor)
LAMBECOM Laboratory is included in the Faculty of Sciences of the Health, from University Rey Juan Carlos, a public university in Madrid (Spain). The Laboratory is included in the Official Network of Laboratories from Madrid. It is also a centre of higher education with degrees in Medicine, Physical therapy and Occupational therapy amongst others. It also offers postgraduate degrees, both MSc and PhD. LAMBECOM’s main interest is in the clinical evaluation of disorders of the gait and movement. LAMBECOM performs its activities in close cooperation with local hospitals and Rehabilitation centres, e.g. Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón. Close to the Service of Nerurology, it is qualified for the diagnosis and evaluation of problems of the balance and gait.
Dr. Roberto Cano de la CuerdaDr. Isabel María Alguacil Diego
University Rey Juan Carlos